Lighting, set and custom design in theater
Concept, Edition and Direction Margarita Molfino and Karina Peisajovich
Aparente Opaco, as part of the Light & Body program at Fundación Andreani, Bs. As.
Lighting design
El Universo en un hilo, a project by Marina de Caro
TACEC, Teatro Argentino e La Plata
Art direction: Gabriel y Michel, Theater festival 2,
Centro Cultural Rojas/UBA, Bs. As.
Custume design: Dens in Dente, directed by Mariana Obersztern,
C. C. Ricardo Rojas, Bs. As.; 1999, Theater Der Welt, Berlin, Germany.
Costume and set design: La Revistita, directed by Ivan
Moschner. Babilonia, Bs. As.