The Air will take this shape

Light installation
Variable DImensions

The air will take this shape
After walking through a hallway in penumbra, the viewer reaches a dark space whose dimensions are difficult to discern. The viewer moves about cautiously, perceiving the time that his or her eyes need to adjust to the darkness. Vertical bands of diffuse colored light are projected onto one of the four walls, becoming more visible as time goes by. These chromatic gradations are produced by fifty-nine light fixtures located in a line on a wooden platform inside of which there is a console that regulates the intensity of the colored light projected by each fixture and the time sequence: the intensity of the light, dimmed as much as possible, changes over time to give rise to a seven-minute sequence of eight color configurations that fade into each other and repeat endlessly. The colors, then, vary in tone, value, and intensity; the different configurations take the shape of bands of reds, greens, pinks, blues, lilacs, and grays. 
The light fixtures are the only source of light in the space, so everything but one wall is completely dark. Darkness is produced by light and light is produced by darkness. But here darkness is not a backdrop, a screen on which light shines. In The air will take this shape, darkness is something that you see, something that occupies space.